Former Law Enforcement Officer Reviews s1 Pepper Spray Gun

Hi, everyone!We wanted to start sharing our reviews that have been posted to Amazon as they will help you to better understand our product from real people who are using it, their thoughts on the product, why they purchased the product, etc.  The following review is one of our favorites because it comes from someone with significant experience in self defense as he is a retired police officer.  His thoughts are thorough and fair.  To see this 5-star review on...

Customer Review - Vietnam Veteran - "Great First Option vs. Lethal Force"

When we started Salt Supply Company, we never thought that our non-lethal pepper spray gun would appeal to people who own traditional firearms.  We thought that people who owned lethal guns would never want a non-lethal option.  However, we have learned that several gun owners and gun owners' families have purchased our gun because they actually like the idea of using our product as their first option prior to using lethal defense.  Not everyone who has a gun actually wants...

Customer Review - A "Gun Guy's" take on Salt

We love it when people who are familiar with (and advocates of) traditional firearms support our product because we feel it speaks measures when they find our pepper spray gun a good alternative to traditional firearms (and tasers, stun guns, traditional pepper spray, knives, fists, etc.).  This particular reviewer, Stu Chisolm, has even written a book on guns he knows that much about them.Check out his review below, and on this link!:​At this time, my review is limited to observations...

Salt Customer Review - "Works Great for Self Defense"

We wanted to share the following review from an Amazon customer (link to review here).  This purchaser added some great photos of the device in his hand, and also had some great feedback on the velocity of the pepper spray rounds, additional uses outside of the home, and it's comparison to traditional firearms:​To get straight to business, I was actually pleasantly surprised at the velocity at which this gun shot the pellets. Even though it's not a real bullet, the...

Customer Review - "Considering Safes for Traditional Frearms in Self Defense Situations"

When considering what is the best for self defense, not only do you have to think about the actual usage of the product, it is also important to think about the accessibility of the product.  To properly store a traditional firearm, because the risk of lethal accidents, it's important that you keep these guns out of reach of the hands they should not be in, i.e. children, people who aren't trained in using them,  people who could wrongly uses them,...

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